This blog is about my FUE operation with Dr ILTER at ProhairClinic in Belgium. If you have any question (in French or in English), mail to , i'll try to answer ASAP!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Just so you know...

Here is a picture of what I look like...Try to keep this picture in mind during all this "adventure"!
As you can see, I've lost quite a bit on the top and on the temple area...
We'll see in a few months what will be the results after the operation...
You may ask yourself why FUE and not FUT? I don't wanna debate about it, but for me, the reason is quite simple: I've always had (and will always have...?) a (very) short hair cut and I even have my hair cropped sometimes on holiday (I'm used to do a lot of hiking with my wife and a cropped hair is quite handy when you're always moving ;-)...). So basically, I didn't want to have a scar. On top of that the post op procedures seem to be really light with the FUE method.
And why going to Belgium while I live in France? Because I couldn't find any specialist in France who has been able to convince me technically. And more than anything humanely, unlike the people I met in Belgium.
I don't wanna tell everybody that "this method is better than this one,....blah blah blah..." That's not my point! I think there are good surgeons for both techniques...I just wanna say that I think this method is the one which suits me the most ...So as I don't wanna say that Dr ILTER is the best in the world, "blah blah blah" again...! I just think that he is the only one I met who seemed really human, and as I said in my first post, I met someone who has been operated on by him...and the result was quite impressive...
So I decided to try!


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